The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an eSports Player

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an eSports Player

The world of eSports is growing faster than ever before. With the expanded accessibility to streaming services and high-speed internet, competitive gaming has become a global phenomenon that is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many people tuning in to watch their favorite competitive gamers, there’s never been a better time to get involved in the action from the inside! If you have aspirations of becoming an eSports pro, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know about getting started on your new career path. We’ll be covering everything from entry-level roles to advanced training techniques and insider secrets for anyone looking to break into this exciting industry. Let’s dive in!


What is eSports?

eSports, short for “electronic sports,” is a term that refers to competitive video gaming. There are a variety of different games that fall under the eSports umbrella, including first-person shooters, strategy games, sports games, and even card games. While eSports have existed since the early 2000s, they’ve grown dramatically in recent years thanks to the internet’s ability to facilitate massive, live events. Thanks to streaming services like Twitch, more people than ever are watching competitive gamers play games like Fortnite and Overwatch. According to one study, the eSports industry could be worth $1.8 billion by 2022. The most important thing to remember about eSports is that it’s a non-physical sport. While there will undoubtedly be physical exertion involved in some games, being a professional gamer won’t make you fit like an NBA star. You’ll be sitting for hours on end, so you’ll have to be physically active in moderation.

How to Become an eSports Player

The first step in becoming a pro eSports player is to simply start playing! No matter which game you want to specialize in, you should always be playing as much as you can. This will help you get familiar with the game itself, but it will also help you improve your mechanical skills as a player. Improving your mechanical skills is crucial to becoming an eSports star, but it’s not the only thing you’ll need to succeed. For many pro gamers, becoming a great player is a process that takes years. You won’t be expected to become a world-class eSports star in a single year, so don’t feel pressured to get there quickly. Instead, focus on improving your game as much as you can every day, and don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way. eSports is a team-based sport, so you’ll want to surround yourself with other passionate players who can help you become better.

The Best Way to Start as a Newbie

As a newbie eSports player, your first priority should be to master the fundamentals of your game. Whether you’re playing Overwatch or Hearthstone, every match will present new challenges that you’ll need to learn how to overcome. Becoming a great eSports player isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes years of hard work and dedication, and it’s impossible to do that effectively without mastering the basics. When you first start playing, your goal should be to learn as much as you can from each match. Take the time to review your plays and identify areas of improvement. Once you can consistently perform well in the game, you can start thinking about ways to take things to the next level.

Best Video Games to Practice for eSports

There are an incredible number of video games that fall under the eSports umbrella, but there are a few that stand out above the rest. If you want to get started playing a game that’s sure to become a major esport, you may want to try one of the following: - Overwatch - This team-based first-person shooter has quickly become one of the most popular competitive games on the planet. - League of Legends - This classic MOBA is one of the most popular games in the world, and it’s widely considered to be one the premier eSports games. - Fortnite - This battle royale shooter has been growing in popularity since its release, and there’s speculation that it could become a major esport. - Hearthstone - This card-based strategy game has been a premier esport for years, and it seems to only be growing in popularity.

Advanced Strategies for Becoming an Expert Pro

While mastering the fundamentals is essential for any aspiring eSports player, there comes a time when all beginners must graduate to the next level. Once you’ve gotten the hang of playing competitively and you’re consistently winning matches, you’ll want to begin thinking about strategies that will help you take your game to the next level. Keeping a practice journal is a great way to stay on top of your improvement. You can write down all of the mistakes you make during a match, and you can also write down what you’re trying to improve, such as mechanics or team communication. By doing this regularly, you’ll be able to track your improvement over time, which can help you reach your goals faster.

Final Thoughts

Being an eSports player is an incredibly rewarding career path. Not only can you earn a living playing games that you love, but you’ll also get to travel the world and make lifelong friends along the way. When you’re starting out, remember that it’s okay to be a beginner. There are tons of talented players out there who started from the same place you did, and if you’re willing to put in the effort, you can reach their level too!